Greetings again, brothers. Here with another suggestion for the app: many times I find myself memorizing while my hands are busy (like washing dishes, for example), and I go back to look at the screen to review and memorize, but after a while, as is natural given the phone’s settings, the screen turns off. There are many applications, specifically Bible apps, that keep the screen on while the app is in use to avoid the tedious step of having to keep touching the screen to keep it awake or unlocking it in case of “neglect” to be able to see it again. I know this setting can be changed on the phone, BUT besides being more tedious, it applies the setting to the entire phone, adding one more step to that task, which would be reconfiguring the phone to turn off after a shorter period of time. I think all of this could be avoided if the app took control of the screen and kept it on while it’s being used, obviously this option being optional for those who fall asleep while memorizing haha (it’s happened to me haha). Is this something that can be done? I wanted to suggest it for your consideration, once again thanks for what you do and for the blessing that the app already is for us.