Timo After an update, the app doesn’t auto populate passages. Running on an iPhone and iPad. The app has less icons to control what you want it to do and is less intuitive since the update. It was better before the update.
support I have not been able to reproduce the issue yet. Please describe in detail which reference and Bible version is affected and which steps you took to try to retreive the passage.
Timo support With any Bible verse I try to look up, with any Bible version, I pretty much have to enter all the info myself, including the verse and save it. The app is not looking up or autopopulating the information like it used to.
support Please see https://doc.remem.me/docs/adding-and-editing-verses/#retrieving-a-passage-from-an-online-bible for instructions about autopopulating Bible passages. Make sure the reference language is set to English (in menu -> Account) or empty.
Timo support Since the update, the app no longer auto-populates, you have to navigate to a website to select and copy paste the verse back into the app, correct? Also, how do I delete a verse in the list. I didnt see any instructions in the help files.
support Thanks for pointing out the missing instructions about deleting verses. You can find them here. There is no need to copy and paste verses from a different website. In order to autopopulate a verse, add the reference (abbreviation is ok) and select the source to make the orange book button appear. Tap on the orange book button to retrieve the passage.