Remember Me 6 User Forum
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All Discussions
ℹ️ Purposes & Basic norms
Black Mode
Notify when due
Bold, Italics, Underline, etc.
Best Spanish Translation
Can I Make a Print-out of All Verses I Have Entered Into REMEMBER ME?
Is there a way to limit the number of verses I see "Due"?
Verses and study progress are synchronized automatically
Social features à la Duolingo
Abgespeicherte Verse sind verschwunden
Play verse without reading topic.
No more sensory feedback on missed word
Supprimer des versets de ma liste
Importing German bible verses
Moving verses in KNOWN category back to NEW
Can no longer hide reference from front of card
Version Update - Verse List Disappeared?
Can't login on the web version
Android app does not update the times a verse has been reviewed.
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